Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Star Trek:Into Darkness

     "Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise." Yes. Star Trek. Known for generations as the cheesy space show with William Shatner and whoever plays Spock also known for it's weird fandom, the Trekkies, (who even have their own theme song). Despite all of it's cheesiness Star Trek is also known for it's iconic story lines and characters. I can't tell you how excited I was to hear that "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn" was being remade as a sequel to J.J. Abram's "Star Trek". In fact, I was so excited I even went back to watch the original.

     I am going to give "Star Trek: Into Darkness" a POP!!! This movie from beginning to end was just fantastic. I think it followed the story line of "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn"  but was still completely original at the same time. Which I admire J.J. Abrams for doing so well.

     I absolutely love the portrayals in the remakes. (*insert fangirling here*) Chris Pine (Star Trek, This Means War, Princess Diaries 2) as Captain Kirk is simply genius. I love how he comes off as the rebel in the films. What I love most about the character is he will do the right thing when it really counts. Chris Pine is simply amazing and lives up to the title, "Captain". Let's face it Leonard Nimoy is and will always be Spock, but newer actor Zachary Quinto does such an amazing job at filling his shoes. I love how Zachary Quinto (Star Trek, Heros, Margin Call) keeps Spock, Spock, while making the character completely new. And I will admit it. Dr. McCoy (aka Bones) is probably one of my favorite characters of all time. I love his humor. Karl Urban (The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Dredd) has such an iconic character to remake and I think he did well.

The actor I was most interested to see in the film is Benedict Cumberbatch (BBC's Sherlock, War Horse, Atonement). Because Kahn isn't a very well known villain, most people wouldn't really care or know anything about Kahn. However, if you are a fan of the original Star Trek movies and series, then you would care a great deal about Kahn's character. In the originals Khan is a villain of "northern Indian" and "Sikh". So there is a way that he is supposed to look and walk and talk like. And here we have newcomer Benedict Cumberbatch, as white and British as he is, come in and play an considerably iconic villain. I am a recent fan of Cumberbatch's show Sherlock, and was so excited to see him in this movie! And if you ask me he has just gone down in the best villains of all time!

I would love to say that the story line and movie effects were just brilliant! I was so pleased with the overall outcome of the film and it was worth the three year wait!! :D I would like to make a big shoutout to nerd ambassador Simon Pegg, who played Scotty! And also the director J.J. Abrams!

Let me know what you thought of the movie!! Who was your favorite character? Did Cumberbatch live up to the name of Kahn? Let me know what you think in your comments below!! :D

         PEACE OUT GIRLSCOUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!